Our Expertise Overview
Matt DelGiorno
Gerson Panitch, Partner, Finnegan Henderson
Few can match our depth of ready available knowledge of U.S. patent case law. On a daily basis, we read every patent-related federal court opinion posted on Westlaw. We study each opinion to see if it merits inclusion in our patent-law treatise, the Annotated Patent Digest. For each selected opinion, we further analyze the court’s reasoning and summarize the important aspects of the opinion. About 80 percent or more of the opinions we read make their way into the treatise. We have been following this practice since the first publishing of the Annotated Patent Digest in April, 2005. Consequently, when a client asks us a question relating to a substantive or procedural issue of patent litigation we have most likely already done the bulk of the legal research necessary to answer the question. This allows us to focus the majority of our time and effort on substantively analyzing the client’s legal issue without needing to have junior associates first spend hours in the library researching the case law. Our clients consistently recognize the value of this characteristic of our consulting practice.
For more of Matthews background information, qualifications and experience, click here.