Archive for the ‘Patent Happening’ Category

Patent Happenings – October 2007 (Part II)

Wednesday, October 31st, 2007

October 2007 (Part II) – Click for full issue

  • District Court grants preliminary injunction enjoining the November 1 implementation of the new PTO rules on continuation applications and limiting number of claims
  • Ongoing royalty for post-judgment infringement may be proper in lieu of a permanent injunction
  • Generic’s failure to show an apparent reason a PHOSITA would have selected a certain “lead” compound defeated its obviousness challenge
  • ITC erred in claim construction requiring a choice of measuring methods
  • Contract-based patent ownership claim under Bayh-Doyle Act did not “arise under” the patent laws
  • Claims of extreme breadth in a highly unpredictable art were not enabled by a disclosure of a single working embodiment
  • Failing to use words “incorporate by reference” defeated contention that references were incorporated into the specification
  • Infringer’s apparent inability to pay damages award justified granting permanent injunction
  • Patentee’s opinion of counsel provided defense against prevailing accused infringer’s request for attorney’s fees
  • State’s waiver of sovereign immunity in one action did not extend to a second action involving the same parties and same subject matter
  • Court orders pro bono representation of indigent patent infringement plaintiff

Patent Happenings – October 2007 (Part I)

Tuesday, October 16th, 2007

October 2007 (Part I) – Click for full issue

  • Substitution of known multiplexer obvious
  • Evidence of long-felt need raised fact issue on whether there was an apparent reason to combine
  • Inequitable conduct arising from improperly paying small entity fees, falsely claiming priority to earlier applications, failing to disclose related litigation, failing to disclose declarant’s financial interests, and withholding prior art
  • Failure to disclose Office Actions from copending continuation applications during reexamination proceeding was inequitable conduct
  • Equivalent foreseeable for prosecution history estoppel since it fell within scope of original claim
  • Legal malpractice claims against patent attorneys held to arise under § 1338 where patent law is a necessary element of the malpractice claims
  • Summary contempt proceedings apply to ANDA litigations
  • Phrase “obtained by the process of claim 1” held to make the claim a dependent claim
  • Whether prior art precludes scope of equivalents held to be a question of law for the court
  • State university waived its sovereign immunity by agreeing to a forum selection clause in a license agreement
  • Field of use licensee lacks standing to sue in its own name
  • PTO issues guidelines for determining obviousness rejections in view of KSR
  • PTO revises implementation of new rules

Patent Happenings – September 2007 (Part II)

Sunday, September 30th, 2007

September 2007 (Part II) – Click for full issue

  • Claims in a business method patent effectively claiming only a mental process failed to claim statutory subject matter (CAFC)
  • Electronic signals held not to be patentable subject matter (CAFC)
  • Liability for divided infringement requires that one actor directs or controls the other actor (CAFC)
  • Injunction enjoining patentee from publicizing its infringement claims vacated where the claims were not objectively baseless (CAFC)
  • Infringement proven with comparative test data on unclaimed features where that data provided information on the presence of claimed features (CAFC)
  • Subject matter jurisdiction for declaratory judgment action not defeated by patentee’s failure to assert an infringement counterclaim (CAFC)
  • Pre and post event documentary evidence corroborated “public use” testimony (CAFC)
  • “Comprised of” generally treated as an open-ended transition term, but surrenders in prosecution history limited openness (CAFC)
  • Bankruptcy plan that granted right to sue to a first entity and legal title to the patent to a second entity defeated first entity’s standing (CAFC)
  • Special Masters for claim construction (ED Mich)
  • Issue preclusion barred all invalidity defenses even those not raised in underlying action (NDCal)
  • No patent misuse from including a non-compete covenant in licensing agreement (7th Cir.)

Patent Happenings – September 2007 (Part I)

Sunday, September 16th, 2007

September 2007 (Part I) – Click for full issue

  • Lack of an enabling disclosure for one embodiment of a means-plus-function limitation invalidated claim even though alternate embodiment was fully enabled
  • Purified form of a chemical found obvious where one of ordinary skill had the capability to purify the prior art composition
  • Purified form of a chemical found NOT obvious where there was no reasonable expectation of success that the chemical could be purified
  • Disclaimer of equivalents found when applicant characterized prior art as being “less effective” than the claimed invention
  • Failure to show actual infringing uses defeated claim of inducing infringement where accused product also had noninfringing uses
  • “Ordinary observer” for assessing design patent infringement may be industrial purchaser of component part, rather than retail consumer, if the design only covers the component part
  • Price disparity defeats a patentee’s claim for lost profit damages
  • Bell Atlantic does not require patentee to plead facts showing how accused product infringes
  • District court erred in not applying narrow claim scope evident from prosecution history
  • Named inventor, who had assigned patent, held a proper party to an unenforceability DJ action based on his potential liability for attorney’s fees under § 285
  • House passes patent reform bill
  • PTO issues guidelines for Examination Support Document; announces pilot UK prosecution highway program, and new rules for PCT applications

Patent Happenings – August 2007 (Part II)

Friday, August 31st, 2007

August 2007 (Part II) – Click for full issue

  • PTO announces its final rules on continuation applications and examining claims
  • Patentee’s failure to produce a fully automated computer-aided design system as claimed showed lack of an enabling disclosure (CAFC)
  • Points of novelty for design patents may lie in combinations that are a non-trivial advance over the art (CAFC)
  • District court’s claim construction order not binding on PTO during reexamination (CAFC)
  • State-law fraud claim required jury to determine issues of conception for later use in § 256 correction of inventorship claim (CAFC)
  • Foreign priority applied where foreign application had § 112 support for a species within the scope of the count (CAFC)
  • PTO must meaningfully consider applicant’s rebuttal evidence before finalizing an obviousness rejection (CAFC)
  • Patentee’s lost-profits claim negated its contention that its patent was not “essential” to an industry standard (D.Del.)
  • Pioneer drug manufacturer’s settlement with generic manufacturers mooted re-seller’s declaratory judgment claim (S.D.N.Y.)
  • Notice under § 287 from filing complaint measured from filing date, not service date (N.D. Ill.)
  • One month delay in seeking leave to amend failed to show diligence (E.D.Tex.)

Patent Happenings – August 2007 (Seagate Special Report)

Wednesday, August 15th, 2007

Special Report discussing the In re Seagate opinion

Patent Happenings – August 2007 (Part I)

Wednesday, August 15th, 2007

August 2007 (Part I) – Click for full issue

  • Proving prior art is analogous art “goes a long way” to show a motivation to combine (CAFC)
  • Substituting multiplexer for bus ruled obvious on JMOL motion despite jury verdict to contrary (N.D. Cal.)
  • Internet-based patent survives § 103 attack (W.D. Pa.)
  • Disavowal in specification limited claim scope to exclude accused product (CAFC)
  • Accused infringer need not negotiate with a patentee who wants to negotiate rather than litigate, but may file a DJ action (CAFC)
  • Prosecuting attorney identified in a judicial opinion as having committed inequitable conduct does not have the right to appeal (CAFC)
  • Federal patent law preempts D.C. statute limiting what patentees could charge for patented drug products (CAFC)
  • Foreign priority requires filing entity is acting on behalf of the named inventor at the time it files the foreign application (CAFC)
  • Using tentative claim construction rulings in Markman procedures (N.D. Iowa)
  • Patents held unenforceable for failing to disclose them to standard setting body (S.D. Cal.)
  • Case or controversy requirement used by court to exclude products from suit (M.D. Pa)
  • Failing to include material term when presenting settlement agreement in open court precluded later inclusion of the omitted term (S.D.N.Y.)
  • PTO proposes rule changes to claims containing alternative language such as Markush claims

Patent Happenings – July 2007 (Part II)

Tuesday, July 31st, 2007

July 2007 (Part II) – Click for full issue

  • Invalidity declaratory judgment counterclaim dismissed for lack of immediacy (CAFC)
  • Experimental activities fell within safe harbor of § 271(e)(1) (CAFC)
  • Double patenting found where second patent claimed an element of a combination claimed in the first patent (CAFC)
  • Mere capability to perform claimed step insufficient alone to show infringement (CAFC)
  • Unexpired presidential review period precludes appeal of ITC exclusion order (CAFC)
  • Permanent injunction denied in eBay case (E.D Va.)
  • Laches periods tacked where products were essentially identical from the viewpoint of the infringement analysis (E.D Pa.)
  • Disparate elements in single reference did not anticipate claimed combination (N.D. Cal.)
  • Accused infringer does not have to formally plead reliance on opinion of counsel to defend against willful infringement charge (D. Del.)
  • Adverse inference instruction on credibility and restricting presentations to the jury ordered as sanctions for willful discovery violation (E.D. Tex.)
  • PTO applies KSR in three “Precedential” opinions affirming obviousness rejections
  • PTO proposes rule changes for Appeal Briefs that may impose harsh burdens on applicants

Patent Happenings – July 2007 (Part I)

Sunday, July 15th, 2007

July 2007 (Part I) – Click for full issue

  • Festo, Part XIII – Alternative in prior art is “foreseeable” even if its use as an equivalent is not recognized at the time of the amendment (CAFC)
  • Inventor acted as own lexicographer by implication even though applied meaning was contrary to term’s customary meaning (CAFC)
  • Estoppel limited scope of “general purpose computer” to exclude microprocessors (CAFC)
  • Stare decisis bound non-party to claim construction given by Federal Circuit (D.Mass)
  • Confirming result theorized by the prior art insufficient to show invention not obvious (CAFC)
  • Skill level of a drug formulator, not a general medical practitioner, applied to method of treatment claim (CAFC)
  • Contributory infringement under § 271(c) does not reach sale of a service (CAFC)
  • Complying with marking requirement did not create a case or controversy to support a declaratory judgment claim (S.D. Ohio)
  • OMB approves proposed PTO rule changes on continuation applications and restrictions on number of claims (PTO)

Patent Happenings – June 2007 (Part II)

Saturday, June 30th, 2007

June 2007 (Part II) – Click for full issue

  • Obviousness still requires evidence of a motivation to combine or modify (CAFC)
  • “Black box” disclosure of “generally known” structure not sufficient for § 112, ¶ 6 (CAFC)
  • Petition to Make Special showed claim scope broader than single disclosed embodiment (CAFC)
  • Attorney argument characterizing reference not inequitable conduct (CAFC)
  • Pressure to redesign product created case or controversy for declaratory judgment claim (WDPa)
  • Permanent injunction granted to non-manufacturing patentee (ED Tex)
  • Judgment against patentee ordered as a sanction for concealing test data (ED Tex)
  • Infringing “offer for sale” limited to sales intended to be made in the U.S. (ND Cal)
  • “Unintentional” revival standard does not apply to abandoned PCT application (ND Cal)
  • Conclusory pleading of invalidity insufficient for declaratory judgment counterclaim, but sufficient for affirmative defense (SD Ala)