Archive for December, 2009

Patent Happenings – December 2009

Tuesday, December 1st, 2009

December 2009 – Click for full issue

  • Eastern District of Virginia imposes tougher requirements for a patentee to obtain a preliminary injunction by requiring the patentee to make a “clear showing” of entitlement to relief
  • Eastern District of Texas now applying a more main-stream view on transferring patent infringement actions
  • Tafas saga concludes, but Federal Circuit may have raised roadblocks for future litigants to obtain vacatur as part of settling a patent litigation
  • Federal Circuit rules that unclaimed effectiveness level could not save method claim from a finding of anticipation
  • While excluding evidence of pending reexamination proceeding under F.R.E. 403, district court also excludes evidence of the “presumption of validity”
  • The 2009-2010 edition of Matthews’ “Patent Jury Instruction Handbook” is now available