Patent Happenings – August 2007 (Part I)

August 15th, 2007

August 2007 (Part I) – Click for full issue

  • Proving prior art is analogous art “goes a long way” to show a motivation to combine (CAFC)
  • Substituting multiplexer for bus ruled obvious on JMOL motion despite jury verdict to contrary (N.D. Cal.)
  • Internet-based patent survives § 103 attack (W.D. Pa.)
  • Disavowal in specification limited claim scope to exclude accused product (CAFC)
  • Accused infringer need not negotiate with a patentee who wants to negotiate rather than litigate, but may file a DJ action (CAFC)
  • Prosecuting attorney identified in a judicial opinion as having committed inequitable conduct does not have the right to appeal (CAFC)
  • Federal patent law preempts D.C. statute limiting what patentees could charge for patented drug products (CAFC)
  • Foreign priority requires filing entity is acting on behalf of the named inventor at the time it files the foreign application (CAFC)
  • Using tentative claim construction rulings in Markman procedures (N.D. Iowa)
  • Patents held unenforceable for failing to disclose them to standard setting body (S.D. Cal.)
  • Case or controversy requirement used by court to exclude products from suit (M.D. Pa)
  • Failing to include material term when presenting settlement agreement in open court precluded later inclusion of the omitted term (S.D.N.Y.)
  • PTO proposes rule changes to claims containing alternative language such as Markush claims

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