Patent Happenings – June 2007 (Part II)
June 30th, 2007
June 2007 (Part II) – Click for full issue
- Obviousness still requires evidence of a motivation to combine or modify (CAFC)
- “Black box” disclosure of “generally known” structure not sufficient for § 112, ¶ 6 (CAFC)
- Petition to Make Special showed claim scope broader than single disclosed embodiment (CAFC)
- Attorney argument characterizing reference not inequitable conduct (CAFC)
- Pressure to redesign product created case or controversy for declaratory judgment claim (WDPa)
- Permanent injunction granted to non-manufacturing patentee (ED Tex)
- Judgment against patentee ordered as a sanction for concealing test data (ED Tex)
- Infringing “offer for sale” limited to sales intended to be made in the U.S. (ND Cal)
- “Unintentional” revival standard does not apply to abandoned PCT application (ND Cal)
- Conclusory pleading of invalidity insufficient for declaratory judgment counterclaim, but sufficient for affirmative defense (SD Ala)